Biyernes, Pebrero 20, 2015


Acid Reflux??? It may not be just a simple acidity.
Many people around the world suffer from this health condition. Only few people knows what causes them the Acid Reflux. Read and learn more about Acid Reflux... INTRA, Fiberlife and Nutria understand and know how to deal with it. Take care of your Digestive System.
 This healthy simple steps can make a difference.
  1 capsule of Fiberlife with 1 full glass of Water 30 minutes before Meal (3x a day)
 1 jigger Intra 30 minutes after meal (3x a day) 1 capsule of Nutria 30 minutes after meal (3x a day) (Note: Dosage and Administration depends on how the body responds to the product, it can be more). Okay for the sake of discussion.
 GERD - GastrEsophageal Reflux Disease (Acid Reflux or Acid Reflux Induced Nausea) Causes: 1. Weak LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) LES should be tightening back everytime food is ingested from esophagus down into the stomach. Weak LES fails to tight back - this causes the acid from the stomach goes up to the esophagus, thus the Acid Reflux. 2. Indigestion causes Gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying. It means, food stays longer in the stomach than the usual.Gastroparesis is due to eating Fatty Foods. Fat is difficult to digest that slows down the function of the digestive system. How Lifestyles products help?
1. INTRA cleanse, rebuild, reactivate and maintain the function of LES
2. FIBERLIFE absorbs the acid and all other unnecessary and excess oil, cholesterol and sugar in the body.
3. NUTRIA completes the nutrients the body exactly needs. Note: Some may think INTRA juice triggers the hyper acidity. It can be a debatable fact, however, we cannot take away INTRA as it solves the root cause of the acidity. Once it is solved, acidity will be gone. Fiberlife will then play its role to control acidity. And Nutria supplies all the nutrients that a GERD patient needs. Lifestyles products work as a team. Better Together.

 TAKE CARE OF YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Drink, Share, Pass it on. Please share: 

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