Miyerkules, Marso 4, 2015


Who says PSORIASIS cannot be healed?
James, only a kid, suffered long from Psoriasis. 
After 39 bottles of INTRA in less than 2 months, he has been "Psoriasis-Free"
(from the post of Ms. Eden Rachelle Elmaga).

Understanding PSORIASIS
(Please read and share, you can help people be freed from the itch and pain of psoriasis).

1. Psoriasis is an immune-mediated, inflammatory condition.
2. Psoriasis affects nearly 3 percent of the world's population.
3. It is not contagious. It can't be spread from one person to another. 
4. It affects both females and males of all ages, genders and ethnicities.
5. There is no personality type associated with having psoriasis.
6. People who get psoriasis exhibit a wide range of symptoms that vary in severity. 
7. Psoriasis may be physically painful. Inflamed lesions can crack open and bleed. Itching may be a constant problem. Or, psoriasis may not be painful or debilitating at all. 
8. There are various treatments to manage the symptoms, but no one treatment is effective for everyone. 
9. Although there are many treatments for psoriasis, many people still face a poor quality of life because treatments often don't work, are very expensive or may cause serious side effects. 
10. Psoriasis goes through cycles: sometimes better, at other times worse.
11. A form of arthritis, called psoriatic arthritis, affects 30 to 50 percent of the people who have psoriasis. 
12. People may have very strong emotional reactions to having psoriasis, such as embarrassment, anger or sadness. 
13. Sometimes people who have psoriasis are ridiculed or avoided by others because of their psoriasis. Educating people about psoriasis can help manage this aspect of the disease. 
14. People need support to help them cope with living with psoriasis. 
15. It is important that people who have psoriasis learn as much as possible about their condition and understand that it is a medical problem and seek medical counsel.
16. Severe psoriasis has been associated with risks for developing so called "comorbid" conditions, such as hypertension, the metabolic syndrome and liver disease, to name a few. It is therefore important to both monitor and treat psoriasis closely and efficiently.
17. Help to get rid of myths about psoriasis by educating the public with the facts!
18. There is no cure for psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. 

While we agree on these facts, we disagree on No. 18 - which can be debatable and can use a healthy discussion:

INTRA and NUTRIA heals Psoriasis. Meet more people who survived from the itch and pain of psoriasis.

INTRA with its 23-botanicals CLEANSE, REBUILD, REACTIVE & MAINTAIN the function of immune system, thus correcting health disorder caused by immune-mediated inflammatory disease like Psoriasis and the likes.

NUTRIA - provides a powerful antioxidant that heals fast wounds and severe form of skin allergies.

for more info; click the link below
or reach at my cell nos. 09056990112

Sabado, Pebrero 28, 2015


HYPOTHYROIDISM can make you ugly, fat, slow, grumpy and forgetful.
Most of all - it can be fatal.
Maintaining a hypothyroidism diet can save lives.
INTRA, Nutria and Fiberlife have it all to survive people with hypothyroidism.


The thyroid gland is located in the front lower part of your neck and is responsible for the production of hormones necessary in regulating metabolism. Hormones released by the gland travel through your bloodstream and affect nearly every part of your body, from your heart and brain, to your muscles and skin
The thyroid controls how your body's cells use energy from food, a process called metabolism. Among other things, your metabolism affects your body’s temperature, your heartbeat, and how well you burn calories. If you don't have enough thyroid hormone, your body processes slow down. That means your body makes less energy, and your metabolism becomes sluggish.

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones. This can happen after the surgical removal of the thyroid gland, if infants were born with congenital hypothyroidism, stress or simply if the thyroid gland is tired of working and is not functioning well. If these hormones are not produced adequately, symptoms like cold intolerance, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, goiter and even depression can occur.

If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, it may sound horrible, but you could be in it for life. This means you'll need to change your diet and lifestyle entirely. There must be a conscious and consistent plan for your everyday intake of food to prevent flares of symptoms that could disrupt your everyday routine. If you adhere strongly to your diet plan, then there shouldn't be any worries about symptom attacks later on.

Foods that are rich in iodine are highly recommended in the struggle to ward off hypothyroidism. 

i. Iodine-Rich Foods For Hypothyroidism
ii. Selenium-Rich Foods For Hypothyroidism
iii. Phytonutrients-Rich Foods
iv. High Fiber Rich Foods

Losing weight can help a great deal in warding off hypothyroidism. It is a fact that obese people are more prone to life-threatening diseases like hypothyroidism. Eating a well-balanced and high-iodine diet along with proper exercise can maintain a healthy and hypothyroidism-free life. Dieting and exercising will not only help your thyroid to function well; it will also give your entire body a healthy make over.

It is medically proven that small frequent meals are healthier for persons with hypothyroidism compared to eating large-bulky meals per day. A study showed that eating 5-6 small meals a day will help a person lose weight and ward off the symptoms of the disease. It does not only help your intestines to digest food, it also keeps your energy level up.

Lifestyles Products have the complete hypothyroidism diet.

Boosts the immune system. Cleanse, Rebuild, Reactivate, Maintain the healthy functions of the 8 biological body system.

Powerful antioxidants and rich in SelenoExcel selenium best known to fight and kill cancer cells.

Controls Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure and Cholesterol keeping from developing HBP and Diabetes.

Boost our very own Lethal Doctor, and achieve the highest level of health every human being can ever have.


Huwebes, Pebrero 26, 2015


Understanding LUPUS.
Please read and share: you can save lives of people with lupus for simply doing so.

LUPUS is a widespread and chronic autoimmune disease that, for unknown reasons, causes the immune system to attack the body’s own connective tissues and organs, including joints (rheumatoid arthritis), kidneys (called lupus nephritis), heart, lungs, brain, blood, and skin (called cutaneous lupus).

A healthy immune system protects the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign materials. With an autoimmune disease like lupus, the immune system loses its ability to tell the difference between foreign substances and its own cells and tissue. The immune system then makes antibodies directed against “self”. This debilitating disease affects each patient differently.

There are no food that can cause or cure Lupus. Still, a good nutrition and well-balanced diet are important part of the 'treatment plan' for such autoimmune disease. 

INTRA plays an important part to provide all the nutrients that Lupus patient must have, with its 23-botanicals that CLEANSE, REBUILD, REACTIVATE, and MAINTAIN the 8-biological body system.

1. A diet that reduced inflammation and other related symptoms.
2. A diet that maintains strong bones and muscles (with less fat content)
3. A diet that combats the side effects of synthetic medications.
4. A diet that achieves or maintains a healthy weight.
5. A diet that reduces the risk of heart disease.

You can save lives of Lupus patient by simply doing so.

Biyernes, Pebrero 20, 2015


Acid Reflux??? It may not be just a simple acidity.
Many people around the world suffer from this health condition. Only few people knows what causes them the Acid Reflux. Read and learn more about Acid Reflux... INTRA, Fiberlife and Nutria understand and know how to deal with it. Take care of your Digestive System.
 This healthy simple steps can make a difference.
  1 capsule of Fiberlife with 1 full glass of Water 30 minutes before Meal (3x a day)
 1 jigger Intra 30 minutes after meal (3x a day) 1 capsule of Nutria 30 minutes after meal (3x a day) (Note: Dosage and Administration depends on how the body responds to the product, it can be more). Okay for the sake of discussion.
 GERD - GastrEsophageal Reflux Disease (Acid Reflux or Acid Reflux Induced Nausea) Causes: 1. Weak LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) LES should be tightening back everytime food is ingested from esophagus down into the stomach. Weak LES fails to tight back - this causes the acid from the stomach goes up to the esophagus, thus the Acid Reflux. 2. Indigestion causes Gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying. It means, food stays longer in the stomach than the usual.Gastroparesis is due to eating Fatty Foods. Fat is difficult to digest that slows down the function of the digestive system. How Lifestyles products help?
1. INTRA cleanse, rebuild, reactivate and maintain the function of LES
2. FIBERLIFE absorbs the acid and all other unnecessary and excess oil, cholesterol and sugar in the body.
3. NUTRIA completes the nutrients the body exactly needs. Note: Some may think INTRA juice triggers the hyper acidity. It can be a debatable fact, however, we cannot take away INTRA as it solves the root cause of the acidity. Once it is solved, acidity will be gone. Fiberlife will then play its role to control acidity. And Nutria supplies all the nutrients that a GERD patient needs. Lifestyles products work as a team. Better Together.

 TAKE CARE OF YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Drink, Share, Pass it on. Please share: 

Huwebes, Pebrero 19, 2015


Creatinine is an indicator of Kidney Disease.
As Creatinine level gets higher, the Kidney Disease progresses into Kidney Failure rapidly

CONTACT NOS. 09056990112

Sabado, Pebrero 7, 2015



Lifestyles Flagship Product
For more than 3,000 years, civilizations in every corner of the world have documented the powerful effects that herbs, plants, roots, tree bark, leaves and flowers (the botanicals) have on human well-being. Intra combines this ancient knowledge with advanced science to create a nutritional supplement geared to today's lifestyles.
Intra is a pleasant tasting, proprietary formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts that provide the body with antioxidants, flavonoids, lignins, polysaccharides and other health enhancing nutrients specific to each herbal extract. The key to Intra's effectiveness is the synergy of the blended botanicals working together – providing greater benefits than an individual botanical on its own.
Intra's unique formula is exclusive to Lifestyles and has remained unchanged since 1992. As a natural food supplement, Intra's precise formula of 23 botanical extracts work better together to help balance and strengthen the body's eight biological systems, leaving you feeling healthier, happier and more energized! Intra is certified Safe for Athletic Use by the international Olympic Committee because it does not contain steroids or stimulants.
Intra's formula has been enjoyed by millions of satisfied customers worldwide and is suitable for all ages. An ounce of Intra a day can make a world of difference! Drink Intra. Share Intra. Every Day.